Sitting beside a river once
I turned back to gaze the path
I remember us crossing it together
A crack of dirt beneath my feet
I saw footprints on sands of time
Those promised intended roads to take
The tenderness prevailed
With purity in emotions
When my love and trust was blind
Then the time of innocence was lost
I was listening then
When you said your final goodbyes
Couldn’t even ask you to stay
There is no moral to any of this
I wanted to convince myself
Life isn’t so bad
It answers nothing
Not alone I was there that day
I saw a reflection in pool of water
A lost ghostly impression of myself
But perhaps I guess I should be glad
That when I looked that’s all I had
There’s a taste of salt in the air
I guess it’s my own tears
I get up and start walking
On the path I now call home

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