Sunday, February 6, 2011

Before I die

My brother had put up a status message exactly four months before he expired about five things people wanted to do before they died. He had mentioned it might help him choose what he wanted to do with his life. A month after his demise, we are left clueless about his five wishes that he wanted to achieve when he had time on earth.
Until now, I used to take it all as a joke. But, his loss made me go thinking. What was it that i wanted to do with my life? What were those things that topped my list?
And then I got these answers. Some of them (or maybe all of them) might sound stupid to you. But, probably this is what I am and what I really want from the bottom of my heart.
1.       I would want to see my parents happy until the last of my breath. I would also like to find someone, who would probably take care of them once I am not there. It feels weird to think somebody else taking care of them when you aren't there. But, I guess that's why they say something is better than nothing.
2.       I want to see the more of world: passing away and going to another earth(or hell or heaven whatever it really is!) might not give me that chance. I feel that this earth is a truly amazing thing that nature has made. I would love to see the most of it, and capture its true essence.
3.       Best friend: Ya! That’s true. Even I don’t know why it is there, but it does come on the third number of my wish list. I have truly amazing parents and family members (touch wood!). But when it comes to people outside this range, it somehow becomes strange. Having been ditched by a lot of close friends, I am still in search of my best friend. Hopefully, I will find one before I die! I have had a pretty interesting life till now. I wish to tell it to this person, sparing no details (This one surely deserves a big LOL!)
4.       I want to tell some people what they really mean to me. I might as well just write about them and put it up on a secret blog that they can open when I die; to really let them know what place they have had in my life.
5.       I would want people to forgive me before I die and not wait for the moment when I am no longer a part of this world. I might have done some mistakes intentionally or unintentionally to hurt people and have faced devastating results for them too. I just wish I would not be dead for them when I am still alive.

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